Individuals may be said from suffering from  constipation if they have to put in an extra effort while passing the stools, pass fewer bowels ( less than  3 times a week ) or if there is fullness of abdomen and dry and hard stools.


Restrict or avoid the use of refined cereal products such as maida and products made from maida like white bread, bakery products such as rusks, khari, toast & biscuits.

Fibre-rich foods should be more in our meal. Legumes (like beans and peas), broccoli, whole grains and nuts are just a few of many foods that are high in fibre. 

Limit the intake of sugar.

Salt intake should be 1 teaspoon through the day.

Have at least 3 litres of water daily. Include clear soups, buttermilk, lemon water, coconut water, vegetables juices to increase the intake of fluids.

Avoid fried food , instead opt for boiled / steamed cooked foods.

Avoid red meat, cheese.

Do not sieve the flour to make dough as it will cause loss of fibre.

Do not peel vegetables and fruits before cooking or eating.

Avoid excessive intake of tea or coffee as it leads to dehydration, worsening constipation.

Maintaining regular mealtimes will help maintain a regular bowel movement.




Moderate intensity exercise like brisk walking, running, jogging for 30 – 60 minutes/day will help improve digestion.